Sunday 26 April 2009

Failure or succes???

I am in school, in the library-to be precise, even though there is no actual reason to be precise.
I have just checked my facebook. does that make me a total failure??
my weekend was good, i only turned on my computer very very shortly on sunday to ckeck my mail. it was unnecessary but i did feel okay, because i never said i would not check my e-mails.
And then today, we went to the library. all you do in the library is sit in front of a computer. first i thought i would only check my mail and then leave it. but the temptation was to strong.
my head hurts out of guilt.
I shouldn't have done it. Geez...
and also i have NOT been to the pool today, so i feel fat.

mhmh : /
not good, i have to start doing stuff so i can loose these extra kilos that i got here in taiwan.

i am sad now, i should not have written this. it dpressese me : (

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