Monday 22 June 2009

Good news

It is tuesday now, exactly one week before i will take my plane back home.
and finally i got money. yesterday morning one of my best friends left the country. i went to taipei main to meet a mutual friend and then take the shuttelbus to the airport together. i was certain that by monday morning i would have money on my bank account. i was mistaken. luckily my friend was nice enough to lend me the 230 ntd to get to the airport.
when i got home o checked my online account and was confirmed that i had indeed no money. i was so depressed. i spend the rest of the day at my hostfamily's house in front of the computer.
at 10pm i checked my account again, AND I HAD 200 EUROS ON IT!!!
i was so happy. right after making that discovery my H-dad walked in and gave me my emergency fund. so now i have 9000 ntd (less then i paid, but whatever only like 600) and money on my account.
Slight problem, most people with whom i would spend the money, are gone...
what ever...
i woke up late today, went to eat something and then came to school to saygoodbye to my classmates. (to be frank, i don't give a shit, but my teachers made me come)
unfortunately i came right after the break so now i am sitting in my teachers office and am waiting for this period to be over.
that is going to take so loong : (

well, tonight i will have a rotary dinner and have to be home by 4pm. that means that i can't really go out with anybody...
my plan is that i will go to Daan and take someopictures, then go and get them developed and hopefully tomorrow i will manage to finish my little tour guide. Oh yeah you have no clue what i am talking baout.
I am making this little book with all my favourite places in taipei.

okay, i'll think of something to waste one hour now...
best wishes and dftba!

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