Thursday 18 June 2009

I only seem to be posting blogs when i feel like shit

I don'tknwo why, but whenever i truly feel depressed i get this urge to write dow why i feel so bad. and where could be a better place than online? For all the world to see. of course i would noy want my friends or family to read this. but if i never tell anybody about this blog, noone will ever read it! YAY!
But that is besides the point. the point is I AM BROKE! so so so broke. i have been broke since a week now an i was feeling to ashamed to tell my parents. i know stupid. so i figured a way out to get out of my crisis. at the beginning of my exchange year i had to give 300 Us dollars to rotary as an emergency fund. now i will leave in 2 weeks so i thought i might just ask them to give me that money.
everything seemed to be fine my hostdad said he'd give me the money. that was wednesday. i still have no single cent. i don't think i will get that money before the airport. THAT SUCKS.

so yesterday i finaly wrote my mum asking for money. she did not answer so i hope she got the mail. but even if she got it and transfered money it will take like 2 to 3 days to get to my account.
the only solution that i know is to not go out. only problem, one of my very good friends is leaving on monday. i need to spend time with her. it might be the last time i ever see her.
and going to the airport costs money too.

so basically i am fucked. i have no money i soon will have no friends left in this country and i have so much to do.
i still want to finish the little personal tour guide of taipei that i started, and i want to make a video for the starnger festival...
and and and

i just need money. i hope everything will turn out allright.
maybe i will start blogging even when i feel good once i am back in good old germany.
i most defenately will vlog more often then.
okay bye : (

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